
••• Monday, June 23, 2003


I'm an internet degenerate. Years ago, I knew more than enough (and more than most of my friends) about making one's way through cyberworld. I became complacant and didn't keep up. I am also a knitter who has recently discovered (and become fascinated with) the knitting subculture found on the internet. A part of this intrigue is related to knitting blogs. I've read them, I've loved them, I want one.

For the record, I am highly impulsive, with the attention span of a flea. I found this place through a link in an article written by a professional journalist. I would link the article, but...well, you'll find out in the next sentence or two why said link is not present. The article said anyone who can type can blog at blogger.com. K. So...I sign up. Yipee. I post my first message and realize there is no place for anyone to comment, there are no automatic links to make links. So you're telling me I have to know html to interact, tease and play with my readers? Neither can I place the magic button that will allow me into the sacred ring of knitbloggers? Long ago, on a Delphi board far away I once was able to make my font's dance in the most fabulous color of periwinkle. That's the only time I played the language tag game.

So, I'm off to the book store to find some books. I hope there is such a beast as "HTML for Dummies." I might also look for "Impulse Control for Monkeys: Knowing where you're going before you grab the next vine."

I also hope to find out why I have two blogs with the same title and whether or not they are a cyber-cyamese-freak-of-naycha type of thing. Can I destroy one without harming the other? Is a blog entry a living entity? Will I have Write-to-life on my tail? What's the difference between publishing and posting? I'm in over my snout.

If I can get learn how to get this place ordered as I would like, I'll be back. If it's gonna be a hugomongous pain in the butt roast, then this maiden voyage will be the last.



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