
••• Sunday, July 20, 2003

A Pain in the Button 

More Tales from Bloggergarten
Keeping in line with the quest to continually improve my fledgling Blogging skills, yesterday I practiced stealing blog buttons. After loading up about 3 or 4 in not so quick order (I've birthed babies quicker) I came upon a disconcerting message at Wendy's Knits requesting that button stealers follow proper "netiquette" and host buttons from their own server.


My stomach rose to my throat as I realized that I'd been frolicking through the Knitblogger Button Garden with a teacup on my nose . Bad form along the lines of tooters in church and walking through Nordstrom's with the back of one's skirt tucked in one's pantyhose.

Because the last thing I want is to be the cover story of the next edition of Knational KnitBlogger's Enquirer ("Newbie Pariahs: Where do They Come from and How do we Send Them Back? or "Can you believe that Button Pig has been Hogging our Bandwidth?") I began the process of returning the ill-gotten button booty. I hope to eventually resteal using the presumably prescribed methodology.

Please note: I'm not done redoing. So before any y'all get your mouse cord in a curl, I'm working on it!

A Sunday Morning Testimonial
A few weeks ago, on a Sunday morning, I caught an infomercial for Winsor Pilates. Aside from Daisy Fuentes being unable to convince me that she was ever out of shape, the testimonials were believable.

I don't have (or make) much time for exercise these days. I used to take the girl out in the jogger, but now she's having none of it. I even tried showing her who's boss by strapping her in, hoping she would come to remember happier strolling times. Nothing doing. She immediately unstrapped herself, leaned over the front wheel and put her fingers in the spinning spokes. I guess I showed her.

Back to the story...I ordered the tapes, and have worked out to the basic 20 minute tape 5 times this week. I've lost three pounds already, without dieting. My husband has already noticed a change in my appearance. He started the program yesterday.

On the sidebar I've added some links to a picture a piece of my pets (see Furry Bits) and I've just noticed that my Sidebar suffers from shrinking font syndrome. I have no idea....


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