
••• Friday, August 22, 2003

Suki has Spoken 

I was looking her over last night, trying to visualize a plan for corrective action. I was thinking of a way to shut her big mouth, when I realized it wasn't so much her big mouth as much as it was her big mouth in proportion to the rest of her body. In her current design, Suki's too short to sport such une grande bouche.

La Bouche Bag tells me to think outside the sack.

Following are what I consider the three most feasible outcome options for this project:

1. Status Quo Suki

2. Saddlebag Suki (evidently with no flash and that's the ruffle of my jammies)

3. Psycho Psuki

I guess the status quo doesn't look so bad in the photo but it's very wide around. I'm thinking to go with option 2.

The Missing Link
My husband read my last post and commented that it was disappointingly dull. In fact, he didn't really "get it" and what's up with those weird words he'd never heard of?

I admitted to it not being my best work, but hey, I clocked 12 hours of work this week.

"Did you check out the links?"

"What links?"

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