
••• Saturday, October 25, 2003

Shawly Goodness......

......and Marcy

This is my second attempt to showblog the new "do" but it still doesn't show the full impact of the tousle. It should show both blonde and blood bling, but it looks like the red has faded with uploading.

I've developed a strange ritual with my new "do." Every morning I spray the fly paper coating on my hair and muss it up. But, for whatever reason, I still can't leave the house with my hair looking like that. So I pat it down to normal.

The fly paper effect sticks with me all day at work. During my first bathroom run, I get courageous and run a mangle tangle with my hands. After that, every time I "go" I muss it up a little mo'. By the end of the day I'm wild and woolly.

And next morning, I undo it all over again.

I haven't blocked the shawl yet, but have succumbed to peer pressure to post pictures prematurely. ::okay, I confess: Ah love an alluring alliteration:: It's a good thing Rachael and I live 3/4 a continent apart. Living in the same time zone, we'd be a tad dangerous.

The bug I suffered this week was relatively mild in form, but definitely required a day of homebound vigilance to fight it off.

In addition to fighting a virus, I faced battle with this for that.

And another skirmish with that over this.

I've beaten the virus and currently have the remote in my possession. As evidenced by the following photo, I'm 2 for 3.

Bella Boosky Rules

The above featured Piece de Bella is a Jil Eaton seed stitch cardigan pattern from Minnies. The yarn is a new Encore Chunky. It's knitting up quick and easy on size 10's, but I'm here to tell you it's ill advised to go from Cascade Indulgence to seed-stitch on acrylic. My wrists are sore and my fingers feel puky.

P.S. Thanks to all for the healthy best wishes!

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