
••• Sunday, February 15, 2004

Four Day Weakened
Extended weekends always feel so resplendent from the various points of anticipation. In the week prior to such a treat, I typically envision lazy days and cozy nights. I imagine time and freedom to do things I normally can't accomplish during the crazy paced work week.

But I really oughta know better, by now. I really oughta know that the dream of a long weekend is never the reality, regardless of the simplicity and apparent "doability" of the fantasy. And I think I've figured out why that is. The answer lies in two simple words: Pee Pull.

My long weekend fantasies never contain anybody but me. Not that I'm wishing or pretending I am in this world all alone. I just never consider that four days of anticipated lounging and slacking and blogging and knitting will also include tending to people who get hungry, dirty dishes, poop their pants and require clean underwear.

My weekend fantasy didn't contain someone waking up 30 minutes before basketball practice with an impatient proclamation that there is nothing to eat. Needless to say, the ensuing argument wasn't in the dream either. Neither did it anticipate a late night counseling session on teen relationship anomalies (redundant, I know). And it didn't figure in the sweet guy who wants to work from home to "be near my favorite girls." This sweet, loving gesture also requires that said person uses the computer, eats food and dirtys dishes (but at least he's potty trained).

The weekend fantasy neither included my catching a cold that is just nasty enough to make me feel cruddy, but not quite nasty enough to allow me to take to the bed and demand room service.

I'm not saying it's been a bad weekend. It's just been a typically busy weekend, only longer.

On Friday, my sweetie and I did steal off for a Valentine's dinner. And I must say, both the food and company lived up to their ends of the fantasy.

Must Have Been Dreamin'
I have about 11 inches done on my Must Have Cardigan. My weekend fantasy included finishing the back of this piece. That part Must Have been a dream. I made another mistake which I didn't catch for a couple of inches. If not for this blog (dag nab all y'all), I probably would've let it be. But for some reason, keeping a knit blog makes me feel a bit more accountable to higher craft standards. The frogging this time wasn't so bad. I frogged to the row before, then unknit to the error.

I'd hoped to have an updated photo of the Must Have, but My photo service appears to be unavailable to me right now. I've been working on a Gum in Her Hair story, but Blogger ate it. Maybe that's for the best, as I was having a hard time finding a context for the story. I fear that raw exposure to random cross sections of my brain may be alarming. Although it's possible that some of my childhood memories may never have a proper context to call home.

I'm just ramblin' now. Must be the fog of the cold combined with the pressure to relinquish the computer to the weekend breadwinner.

Hopefully I'll have pictures tomorrow.

I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to respond individually to comments (as I love to do!). I have not had computer access (outside of a few minutes here and there) all weekend until now. In fact, the keyboard is being wrenched from myeoho99g8f


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