
••• Tuesday, May 25, 2004

At a Loss
I have this strong need to bump down the previous post,for some reason. And I can't get any Quizzie filler thangies from my Blogger Draft bin to show up either.

So, that being said, here's some yarn. I bid. I bought. I no like.

Why no like? I guess it's the color. It's too greenishly fleshy when I thought it was going to be just greenish. I bought it for Annie's ballet neck cardie.

And speaking of the ballet neck cardie, for which I just purchased yarn, is it my imagination, or are "next" editons of knit magazines being shot at me like so many tennis balls from a mechanical server? I hardly get a thought in place for a sweater from one magazine, before the next season is bouncing off my forehead.

This is all I have to say today. I've one work report go to, and my juices run dry.

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