••• Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Weekend Wrap
This post was meant for Monday, but whack happens. Actually, my weekend was nearly splendid, as it was the first in weeks that I didn’t have anything scheduled.
I finally had a chance to cook to the future (put meals in freezer) while simultaneously preparing meals for immediate consumption. I really do love to cook, but only when I have the time to do it right, and this weekend was perfect for that. One of the weekend's recipes (No Cheese Chicken Chili)will be contributed to Elizabeth's Knitblogger's cookbook. Besides the great taste and low fat stats, the recipe makes enough to feed a small army for days or my son and husband for dinner.
I also finished the baby sweater. All that’s needed now is a little Scrunchmuffin.
We’re having a baby shower/welcome home party for my niece and her father (my brother), who just returned from his “scary job overseas.” Brother number two is flying in from San Francisco for the weekend, which will be a surprise for brother nubmer one. We're having a family portrait done, as surprise for my mom.
Wheekend Whinebeckin’
Over the last few days I’ve been strolling around the blogosphere with a bit of bitterness in my usually charitable heart. Okay, maybe I'm not what you’d typically describe as charitable. In fact, I can be a cattyass, snipy bitch. But I’m not typically given to fits of envy. Unless I am forced to read all the cool stories about Rhinebeck. And it’s not even the haulin’ ass yarn pictures I’m talking about. It’s the escapades. It's bloggers from all over the country, uniting to raise woolly hell. This is my envy. My toxic green.
I told my husband I’m going next year. So let it be written. So let it be done.
Wheekend Whack
I did have a little bit of excitement over the weekend. Ever heard of these guys?*
They’re called Boobahs(pronounced BEE-Bah. No idea…) They are Public Television Freaks of Preternature. ::Scroll down to meet bagpuss. That's me in 15 years...ol' Bagpuss::
My first encounter with these furry balls of uncircum….uh…spection, yeah, uncircumspection, occurred over the summer while I was channel surfing. I honestly can’t describe the experience of this show, without using the word hallucinogen. If you lived clean and sober back in the day, this show will give you a glimmer (or trail?) of a sweet trip. Or so I’ve heard. ahem.
And if you of a different party ilk and it’s been years since you’ve dipped your toes in the bong water, well…this show should make a clean treat. It’s on daily. PBS. Check your local listings.
Meanwhile, you can find a sampling of Boobah freakage at what seems to be their main site. Just clear your calendar and click an orb. There appear to be several Boobah sites, although none are clearly defined. Click here for another peek at a preepyoos to creep youse.
*I hope this link works. It's to a PDF file, so I'm not sure if it just opens up for everyone or if you need to already have it in your cache, like I do. Let me know (in comments) if there's a problem.
This post was meant for Monday, but whack happens. Actually, my weekend was nearly splendid, as it was the first in weeks that I didn’t have anything scheduled.
I finally had a chance to cook to the future (put meals in freezer) while simultaneously preparing meals for immediate consumption. I really do love to cook, but only when I have the time to do it right, and this weekend was perfect for that. One of the weekend's recipes (No Cheese Chicken Chili)will be contributed to Elizabeth's Knitblogger's cookbook. Besides the great taste and low fat stats, the recipe makes enough to feed a small army for days or my son and husband for dinner.
I also finished the baby sweater. All that’s needed now is a little Scrunchmuffin.
We’re having a baby shower/welcome home party for my niece and her father (my brother), who just returned from his “scary job overseas.” Brother number two is flying in from San Francisco for the weekend, which will be a surprise for brother nubmer one. We're having a family portrait done, as surprise for my mom.
Wheekend Whinebeckin’
Over the last few days I’ve been strolling around the blogosphere with a bit of bitterness in my usually charitable heart. Okay, maybe I'm not what you’d typically describe as charitable. In fact, I can be a cattyass, snipy bitch. But I’m not typically given to fits of envy. Unless I am forced to read all the cool stories about Rhinebeck. And it’s not even the haulin’ ass yarn pictures I’m talking about. It’s the escapades. It's bloggers from all over the country, uniting to raise woolly hell. This is my envy. My toxic green.
I told my husband I’m going next year. So let it be written. So let it be done.
Wheekend Whack
I did have a little bit of excitement over the weekend. Ever heard of these guys?*
They’re called Boobahs(pronounced BEE-Bah. No idea…) They are Public Television Freaks of Preternature. ::Scroll down to meet bagpuss. That's me in 15 years...ol' Bagpuss::
My first encounter with these furry balls of uncircum….uh…spection, yeah, uncircumspection, occurred over the summer while I was channel surfing. I honestly can’t describe the experience of this show, without using the word hallucinogen. If you lived clean and sober back in the day, this show will give you a glimmer (or trail?) of a sweet trip. Or so I’ve heard. ahem.
And if you of a different party ilk and it’s been years since you’ve dipped your toes in the bong water, well…this show should make a clean treat. It’s on daily. PBS. Check your local listings.
Meanwhile, you can find a sampling of Boobah freakage at what seems to be their main site. Just clear your calendar and click an orb. There appear to be several Boobah sites, although none are clearly defined. Click here for another peek at a preepyoos to creep youse.
*I hope this link works. It's to a PDF file, so I'm not sure if it just opens up for everyone or if you need to already have it in your cache, like I do. Let me know (in comments) if there's a problem.
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