
••• Sunday, October 09, 2005

She's Got Per-swine-ality 

I'm sooo behind in all things relative to my current existence, that I have no idea where to begin. So, I won't. Tonight I'm just going to pretend that none of it is true, and present to you, some Sunday Night Sillies.

Have you heard of the Draw-a-Pig Personality Test?.

Here's mine. I drew this the touch pad mousy thing, so it wasn't my best work.

Click to view my test results

Going to the Garden
Last week, Carole made up a button for bloggers who are not going to Rhinebeck, and not happy about it.

Before I saw her button, I had already started work on a similar item, to represent not only us pathetics who, once again, are not making the trek to upstate New York, but also to those of us who consistently miss out on the other blogger/knitter social fusions, such as those that occurred last weekend, in Chicago (Franklin, Bonne Marie and Stephanie) and Vermont (Lee Ann, Juno, and Norma).

Won't you join me?

(Before posting this button, I did check with Carole, and she gave me her blessing.)

Wanted: Freudian Slippers
Here's some Happy Blogiversary piggies for Mim. Yes, I really do have a collection of pictures of my feet. And that's all I'm saying on the matter.

On the other hand, we have different fingers-Jack Handey

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