
••• Friday, December 15, 2006

I Never Promised You a Post Garden 

I Can Defy Day
I'm sitting and typing and defying all odds of a person possessing a smidge of coherency after a week such as I've had.

What did she just say?

No idea.

I guess she's losing the good fight, eh?

Prit near, hey. But she gave it her best, dontcha know.

Oh yah.

Why we talking da Yooper dere, eh?






Those are lights-on-a-hairnet, on a bush. ::Snort. Sometimes I crack myself.:: Shot was taken from our porch, with a good camera and a bad case of D.T.'s.

Speaking of delirium, this week we were visited by the One-Earringed-Bald-Lady-Dangling-a-Purse. As legend goes, a sighting of her Royal Slim-Pickins-ness brings good luck. Or at least a good bourbon and a bread stick.

I hope to return here this weekend with at least a modicum of a post of an eek, er, week in review.

P.S. I have visited hardly a blog this week and am missing me summa dat.

P.P.S. Re: Google reader, I'm still getting into the swing evidently, and am finding myself mostly clicking again from links on my side bar. I really don't like that whenever I need to Google something, I am firstly greeted (distracted) by the list of unread posts. I gasp. I sigh. I click. I deny.

P.P.P.S. For more on dat dere vernacular da Yooper click here.

P.P.P.P.S. By now you may be thinking I'm about outta my ever lovin'. Or drunk on ass.

Well, yah. Hey.


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