
••• Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hey Sister, Solstice-er. 

No bloggy for me, much.
To explain will require some whine, of which I have plenty.
And time, of which I have none.

In the meantime, I am being held hostage at the cottage and forced to endure unspeakable hardships, such as looking at stuff like this:

And being shanghaied onto a fast boat, during the solstice sunset:

I did manage to sneak a shot of my assailants.

If you are reading this anywhere in Northern Michigan and you happen to see these two thugs, please contact the authorities.

They were last seen heading west on foot, wearing chocolate ice cream mustaches and giggling they fool heads off.

P.S. Also, please use imagination to purport to self that this post was actually posted on Saturday.

I think you've had way too much wine...or whine; not sure if you can;t spell or if you're attempting irony.

Jealousy is a terrible thing on knitting one. what an interesting life...
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