••• Thursday, August 07, 2008
Beyond the Wet Pants.And Beyond
Vacation Stats: The Rest of the Story.
I had meant to finish my post-vacation post earlier in the week, but there are complications in my life right now, causing both time and brain related suckage.
In addition to the consumption of 20 pairs of clean underwear, following are other relevant (to me) stats from my 10 day vacation.
1) Brett Favre on TV at this moment. Again.
2) Have you seen the Secret deodorant commercial on TV, with the woman in the red sleeveless blouse, who bounces down a busy city sidewalk baring and sniffing her armpits? While I abhor violence, I admit to harboring a secret fantasy of the police officer just mowing the bitch down in his cruiser, just between the "I'm innocent!" and the compulsive armpit sniff.
3) Yes Doris, I lick the stones on the beach, in search of the ever elusive Petoskey. When it comes to rocks, I have licked worse. And the rocks on the beach don't smell.
4) Yes Dirty Sue, that is the Ypsi tower in my anniversary mosiac. That picture actually ended up in the mosiac by mistake, via a misfired flickr click from a previous upload for a Ravelry post. ::feel free to research it.:: However, once it was in there I found it to be oddly appropriate. And no big brothers. Sorry.
5) Tomorrow I'm off to the cottage again, where I am hosting a congregation of the Circle of Brain (COB). ::COB=Kristi, Kellie and Dirty Sue.::
I know. Please pray for my emotional and physical safety, as well as that of the indigenous peoples, particularly in the areas of tavern and yarn store dwellers.
I had meant to finish my post-vacation post earlier in the week, but there are complications in my life right now, causing both time and brain related suckage.
In addition to the consumption of 20 pairs of clean underwear, following are other relevant (to me) stats from my 10 day vacation.
1) Number of socks knit: 5/6 of 1, shown here less than half done.Odds and Ends. From Comments and Beyond.
I did finish the first sock Monday of this week.
2) Number of stitchmarkers created on the cottage porch: 12
3) Number of photographs taken with fancy-ass camera, using only the manual settings: 47
4) Number of photographs taken with fancy-ass camera using only the manual settings, where the subject of said photos are actually recognizable: 2![]()
I know that these pictures are too dark, but I kinda love the little details of light and texture. I encourage you to click for big.
The story of my foray into Real Photography should/could provide enough material for its very own post. But I'm a bit short on that kind of time these days. And self-esteem.
5) Meals I prepared: 2.
6) Evening boat rides: 5
7) Evening Swims: 7
8) Hours I spent floating on a blow up raft that was tied to the dock: 10
9) Number of times out of 20...a) wherein the changing of the undies was necessitated by swimming or bathing for hygiene purposes: 15.10) Times I otherwise gave a rat's ass about Brett Favre: 0
b) Change of undies resulted from the pissing/pooping/other of the pants: 0
c) Change was required by an uncategorized event: Same number of afternoons wherein Cakers spent the afternoon playing/swimming at a neighboring cottage.
1) Brett Favre on TV at this moment. Again.
2) Have you seen the Secret deodorant commercial on TV, with the woman in the red sleeveless blouse, who bounces down a busy city sidewalk baring and sniffing her armpits? While I abhor violence, I admit to harboring a secret fantasy of the police officer just mowing the bitch down in his cruiser, just between the "I'm innocent!" and the compulsive armpit sniff.
3) Yes Doris, I lick the stones on the beach, in search of the ever elusive Petoskey. When it comes to rocks, I have licked worse. And the rocks on the beach don't smell.
4) Yes Dirty Sue, that is the Ypsi tower in my anniversary mosiac. That picture actually ended up in the mosiac by mistake, via a misfired flickr click from a previous upload for a Ravelry post. ::feel free to research it.:: However, once it was in there I found it to be oddly appropriate. And no big brothers. Sorry.
5) Tomorrow I'm off to the cottage again, where I am hosting a congregation of the Circle of Brain (COB). ::COB=Kristi, Kellie and Dirty Sue.::
I know. Please pray for my emotional and physical safety, as well as that of the indigenous peoples, particularly in the areas of tavern and yarn store dwellers.
Ha, good for you on the undies/neighbor's cottage front. Great vacation, indeed.
Have fun with your COB.
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Have fun with your COB.