
••• Sunday, April 10, 2005

Just Thinkin' 

Yesterday afternoon, while billions of my neighbors, co-workers, closest friends,ear coners and butt waxers, were cluster trucking their way home from a tropical paradise, I was here....

...To watch some kite flying.

Extreme kite flying.

For those interested, that body of water is Lake Michigan, which is just a few miles from our cottage. That guy walking the path, with the kite dragon behind him, is my husband. I have a bunch more pictures I may share later this week, when/if I run out of time/energy/creative blog juices (that be vernors-n-vanillerum).

Scarflette O'Whora

Here's my finished scarf:

(Yes Daphne, it's wack. And I'm loving it. )

I worked on Blaze last night, for an hour, with nothing to show for it, but a sore ass. Seriously. I was so tense after detangling the Mess-O-Blaze from my bag, only to find yet another, fixable mistake (one requiring non-movie-viewing attention), I experienced ass cramps. Swear.

So, needing something to work on, for the late night viewing of Sideways, I cast on for Amy Singer's MiMi Verylong

Here's a closeup

The yarn is Brunswick Rio, a discontinued cotton/acrylic blend. It's very soft. Satiny, even. This was a contest prize from the Knotty Girls, back when. The pattern is fun and addictive. Of course, I'm making this in a much fatter yarn, than what Amy's pattern calls for. The Rio is a sport weight and I'm using a 10.5 needle. For those who care.

La Poncharita a Cakers
(I have no Spanish.)(I know, no English neither.)

I'm ending this post with a shot of my Nadorable, wearing the Harlot's poncho. (Sorry Harlot, my fingers done run out of link. But everybody knows about you, and your Harlottness):

I started and completed two items this week. I highly recommend finishing projects. It feels damn good.

My advice du jour: FO. Everyone. FO.

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